
Saturday, October 30, 2010
In a good way though... :)

Yours Truly♥

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Kindda sick yet still active. x)

Yours Truly♥

Sunday, October 10, 2010
For the past few months, I was not myself. I hold myself back in being myself. I was not as fun as I used to be in school, not so talkative and sociable. I had the feeling of being alone all the time, thinking that I'll be ok if I got no friends. Thinking back, and looking at my results, I feel the urge of doing better, and heck yea, who needs friends when they are just there and gone in a few months. I don't need that kind of friends. I can still live and survive with the people that I love and treasure most. And I don't care if they say I'm anti-social, boring or whatever. For what I know, I am what and who I am. I just realise that now, all that matter is being early and punctual too school and to do GREAT in my daily grades, since the new semester is around the corner, and for the fact that I need to a so-called personal assistant to my dear friend, who keeps on having problems with either work, school, her guy and her laptop. Anw I feel proud of myself, as for all the hard work that I've put in my studies, it pays off. Well, apart from the deduction of my grades due to all the downgrading, and that my grades decrease because of it, I know I did great. And I'm ready to do better. :)

Yours Truly♥

A year older every 13.09
An animal lover
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